Develop a mental health app to support individuals who experience stress and anxiety.
The app will provide tools and resources to individuals to help manage challenging emotions.
My team and I wanted to make support around mental health accessible to all individuals who require different forms of support.
Our app is meant to:
Who is our target audience:
What features are important to include:
My team and I collected quantitative data from our surveys.
I compiled this data to create visual infographics to assist us in moving forward strategically with our app.
Over 90% of our users said anxiety holds them back from doing something they want to do.
I found that only 36.4% of our users had used any sort of mental health app.
I felt it was important to showcase this data visually, as an indicator in our research.
I researched Mental Health Competitors to understand how the app could stand out.
Key Takeaways to implement
We built out two personas who captured the important points we heard in our interviews and surveys.
The user flows demonstrate how our personas would navigate through the app.
While creating the wireframes I wanted to take into consideration the variety of personas using the app and create a simple layout.
The dashboard allows the user to navigate to the four different sections in the app.
For the design I wanted to create a color scheme that was soft and playful because looking inward at ourselves can be challenging.
In addition I color coded each section to implement ease of use.
I wanted to ensure that the layout of our app was soothing, serene, and harmonious.
Providing a sense of calm with light visuals, spaciousness, and minimal text to prevent overwhelming the user was equally essential in creating the app.
We asked our users to explore the calming tools and find the anxiety relief affirmations.
The majority of our users felt navigating through calming tools to affirmations was fairly easy. Two users expressed that it was difficult.
Users had to navigate back to the dashboard from the affirmations screen.
Based on the heat maps we were able to see that majority of the users had trouble navigating back to the dashboard in the way we expected.
Users had to explore challenge a thought and find the "train your brain" exercise.
The Majority of our users were able to complete the mission, however next time we will ask users to test the exercises because a lot of their follow up suggestions are similar to the exercises we built out.
Overall it was a great opportunity to work with my team to work on this case study together. To watch the app evolve over time and blossom was really beautiful.